20.11.1996 Chantinelle watches a strange scene on the main place of Caspar and gets later into deep troubles. There is sadly a lot of OOC spam, I didn't want to remove to understand all. Jessalyn frowns and shuffles her feet. "Damn 'neutral' idiots..." SulKar nods SulKar says, "I know, I know.. I grrrrow some of us oooooo mrrowr worried grrrrow rowf ooaaaaaa than you are.." in Wookiee. Jessalyn turns to look at SulKar with a shocked expression. "What are you implying...?" Her green eyes flash angrily. Vance chuckles amusedly. Jessalyn glares at the Wookiee. SulKar sighes SulKar says, "I am sorry... I don't mean to tell you how to run your life...." in Wookiee. SulKar says, "just seems that maybe...(picks his words carefully. shoulda done it before) just maybe.. you are more worried about revenge?" in Wookiee. Jessalyn says, "Doesn't anyone realize that as long as you let those those... Imperials walk all over you this world won't be a fit place to raise any child?" Jessalyn fumes. Jessalyn sighs. "revenge for what?" Chantinelle gets white in face but remains silent. Vance chuckles and watches the scene unfold. SulKar says, "again, I am ahrck but first your child needs to get born..." in Wookiee. SulKar says, "and I don't know what for.." in Wookiee. Jessalyn clenches her fists. SulKar finally gives up.. gets very professional and cold Jessalyn says, "SulKar, how can you suggest that I want to harm my baby?" Jessalyn's eyes well with tears. SulKar says, "ma'am, what grrraahhh do is brhnnnh own decision.. if you'd like to risk aaaaaa grrrrow wellbeeing of oooorrrr child grrr rid Caspar of grrrrow one person....that is your choice.." in Wookiee. SulKar says, "getting in a fight won't possibly grrrrow your child?" in Wookiee. SulKar says, "I am sorry rrrrwwaa being frowh in your well being.." in Wookiee. Jessalyn sighs. "Does it look like I'm in a fight to you?" SulKar says, "not yet.. you arrrrgggh begging for one.. I know.. I'm a marine, picked all kinds of fights... don't try to bs me little lady...." in Wookiee. Chantinelle looks between Sulkar and Jessa, frowing. SulKar says, "rrrrwwaa ahhhhhh simply trying to protect a friend....." in Wookiee. SulKar says, "from this grrr ruuahhhh" in Wookiee. Jessalyn blinks. "Did you just call me little lady?" SulKar nods towards Chanttinelle SulKar says, "because if you get in a fight with her. you will be doing exactly what she wants" in Wookiee. (OOC) SulKar is on a tirade.. (OOC) Jessalyn says, "yes, but tirades just make redheaded tempers flare worse! :>" SulKar says, "you will be giving her a reason to declare war or whatever she's trying to pull" in Wookiee. Chantinelle hmmms, "Talking about me?" (OOC) SulKar says, "yeah.. hehe .. probably" (OOC) Jessalyn says, "no me!" SulKar says, "LISTen, haven't you seen it a rahrahraff times before, they look for oooooo small little thing to start trouble.. and if they can't find it, they'll make it..." in Wookiee. SulKar says, "and that's EXACTLY ahrck this uptight imperial bitch is mrrowr" in Wookiee. Jessalyn crosses her arms over her chest. "Just because I'm pregnatn doesn't mean I'm an invalid. And if my asking the .. 'lady' to return to her embassy is provoking a fight then ..." (OOC) SulKar says, "*gulp*" (OOC) Jessalyn eeps! (OOC) Vance says, "heheh" Chantinelle heys, "What? What did I now???? I am just sitting here and didn't talk with anybody since days!" SulKar says, "like I awwwwwrrrrrrhhhhh whatever you want to do is up vrawgh rahgh since you are so interested in starting a war for whatever reasons... grah supposed I need to go get my gear oooooo arrrrgggh be off to war before long...." in Wookiee. Jessalyn looks at the Wookiee, her eyes wide. "And what would Caspar do if she used this to declare war? Hmmm? Stay it's sweet little innocent and weak neutral self?" Chantinelle oh nos, "You are mad!!! I am only here to show Lyr my respect! Do you really think I search here a reason for a war! The CDU gave us the reason a time ago, we don't need it anymore!" SulKar says, "no one rrrrwwaa talking to you, imp!!" in Wookiee. Jessalyn says, "It was a mistake.... to even come here." SulKar says, "I am not my superiors..." in Wookiee. (OOC) SulKar says, "wow that was wrong.." (OOC) SulKar says, "meant to say" SulKar says, "rrowr am not a grrrrow" in Wookiee. SulKar says, "I rahrahraff at the whim of my superiors.." in Wookiee. Jessalyn says, "What a convenient excuse, SulKar. Now you sound like Kendell used to." Chantinelle looks up astonished and listens. SulKar shakes his head You paged Togryyshyk with 'Hello?'. Togryyshyk pages: An Imperial Embassy has been OKed, but it is waitng for the new DB, mean while the embassy on GDI is open. Long distance to Togryyshyk: Chantinelle nods, "Yep we have an embassy on GDI, okay so may I send an permanent ambassador to Caspar?" Togryyshyk pages: Are you asking IC? SulKar says, "well ma'am I must go.. but I was only trying to keep you healthy... I apologize for stepping on your toes.. do as you will" in Wookiee. Jessalyn frowns. SulKar ducks his head on the way out... SulKar has disconnected. You say, "What was the agrument about?" Jessalyn shrugs irritably. Jessalyn just looked at me. Long distance to Togryyshyk: Chantinelle uuuuummms, "Errr Yes, why not. Yes, I ask you as President icly whether we can have a permanent amb on Caspar." Jessalyn just looked at me. Chantinelle shrugs and frowns, "Well I was just asking polite." Jessalyn says, "You shouldn't even be here, Chanti. So shut up." Chantinelle's jaw drops and she stares at Jessa, "Why,... oohhh... I..." she stammers and shuts up. Jessalyn glares at Chantinelle. "Well, why areyou here? Weren't you asked to return to your embassy?" Vance coughs slightly. You say, "Did you see my shuttle arriving? I am not a high-staff officer with my own ship! Well if you would give me a lift, I would gladly leave this planet!" Vance just looked at me. Jessalyn hmms. "That doesn't explain why you are standing here and not back at your embassy. I suggest that you tell your superiors to send you a shuttle right away." Chantinelle eeeeerss and looks really stupid "Embassy? The Empire does have an embassy here??? Where?" You paged Togryyshyk with 'Err got my page?'. Jessalyn says, "Well, where are you staying then?" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "In Lotus' guest room :)" (OOC) Jessalyn says, "ICly?" (OOC) Chantinelle smiles, "I think yes. the other way would be some Hotel." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Or I was some days in the hospital, after you really offended me ;)" (OOC) Jessalyn says, "heh heh." Jessalyn says, "Perhaps you should simpy keep from being seen in public until your shuttle arrives." Chantinelle gets serious, "Why should I? I am not ill and not infectious to other persons." SulKar has connected. Jessalyn says, "No, but the sight of you makes me sick." Jessalyn's eyes narrow. Vance says, "really now Jessalyn." Vance says, "You are in no position to order people about." Vance says, "this is a neutral planet." Jessalyn glances sharply at Vance. "Excuse me?" You say, "I am not a danger for anybody here, including yourself." Vance says, "as long as they aren't going around spying on people....then, she is free to do as she pleases." SulKar walks in and sits at the side of the fountain Jessalyn frowns. "This may be a neutral world but I'm not a neutral person." Togryyshyk pages: Well ICly I want you off Caspar and on GDI where an Imperial ship can take you back to back. From you actions at the recent funeral you have upset many people tring to blow up President Dunwell's tomb, for your own safty you need to return home. Chantinelle curiously looks at Sulkar sitting beside her. (OOC) SulKar says, "is at the OTHER side of the fountain.. ;)" Vance says, "then perhaps you should not be in the same area together." Jessalyn looks at Chantinelle. "Were you given permission to stay here?" Vance says, "reall Jessalyn, thats not your position to be asking." Chantinelle's commsystem beeps and she listens to it. She curses suddenly very hard and murmurs, "Tog is a dead wookiee!" Jessalyn's jaw drops and she turns her to face Vance. SulKar perks his ears up at chantinelle... Jessalyn says, "My place? It's my place to ask the Imperial slime whatever I damn well please!"" You paged Togryyshyk with 'Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I have to meet you now at once! I am not danger or threat! TI never placed a bomb on the grave only some flowers which was an offend to remove!'. Jessalyn glances back at Chanti's outburst. Vance laughs softly, "Thats nice Imperial WOMAN, who means nothing to the Empire." Chantinelle stands up and controls her uniform, she puts the datapad away and has a very angry emotion in the face while she doesn't hear anything around her. Jessalyn stands in front of Chanti. "What's the problem?" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Err where is the CDU builidng??" SulKar heads east down Blake Street. SulKar has left. SulKar comes from Blake Street. SulKar has arrived. (OOC) Vance says, "south." (OOC) SulKar says, "no its east" SulKar quickly stands.. Chantinelle looks at Jessa standing before her, "Out of my way, at once!" Vance shakes his head. Jessalyn grabs her arm and glares at her. Vance says, "oh, pipe down woman." Vance says, "yer not in a position to order anyone around either." Togryyshyk pages: I can't meet right now, so just an OOC I wasn't real smart to call lyr scum infront of me in his tomb, then want a job. SulKar walks over to the two women.. Jessalyn whispers something to Chantinelle. (OOC) Chantinelle sighs, "Damned Tog left, or he would be dead!" (OOC) Vance says, "yeah, right." Vance mms at SulKar, "perhaps you should escort both of them to safe quarters?" Jessalyn whispers, "I'm not going to harm you, and I will even stay out of your way. However, if I ever find out that you have harmed anyone that I know in any way, directy or indirectly, I will blast you all the way to Tatooine. DO you understand that?" Vance says, "at least one is making threats against our president." (OOC) SulKar says, "not in character she hasn't yet.. haven't seen it anyway.." (OOC) Vance says, "yes, she has. :)" (OOC) Vance says, "can show you the log if you wish. :)" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "When????" (OOC) Vance says, "much earlier." (OOC) SulKar says, "oh well, my character missed it.." (OOC) Jessalyn says, "mine didn't. :>" (OOC) SulKar says, "so my char isn't aware of this and neither of you have bothered to tell me.." (OOC) Jessalyn says, "vance just did. :>" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Oh the curse! This isn't any proove! ;) Everybody is allowed to curse something when he becomes angry." (OOC) Vance says, "I just did." (OOC) SulKar says, "good point" (OOC) Vance says, "and a threat is a threat..I took it as a threat from an Imperial. :)" (OOC) Jessalyn says, "not about presidents. :P" (OOC) Vance says, "but then again, yer just a woman and mean squat." Chantinelle's commsystem beeps again and she listens and calms down. SulKar taps a few buttons on his compad...so it'll translates for him Jessalyn looks at Chanti, seeing if she listened to her. SulKar says, "which one threatened our president?" Vance says, "The Imperial WOMAN." Chantinelle looks at Jessa and removes her arm off her, "You don't know? Well I can tell you some stories about the death!" Vance pulls out his compad...care to listen? SulKar says, "are you willing to testiify to that in a court of law?" Vance nods, "of course SUlKar." Jessalyn blinks. ""Tell me about whose death?" SulKar addresses Chantinelle Chantinelle sighs deeply and glances the Wookiee and Vance, "What are you talking about?" Jessalyn says, "Answer me, Chanti." SulKar says, "ma'am, you have been accused of threatenin the death of our president.." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Stop all for a sec!" (OOC) SulKar says, "ok. what' sup..." Xenia has arrived. (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Sorry for my sudden leaving :(" (OOC) SulKar says, "ok here we go.." SulKar taps a few buttons on his compad so his wookiee will be translated into basic Xenia looks at Chantinelle and salutes. "Commander, the 'warbird' has arrived." Chantinelle looks at Sulkar and can't believe what she just heard, "I did what???" Jessalyn frowns and looks at the newcomer. SulKar says, "ma'am you were overheard threatening the life of our pres.. I am afread I am going to detain you until an inquiry can be instituted." Chantinelle looks at the newcomer and smiles, "Oh hello Xenia, wow, finally it arrived, I can't belive it. Why is it so late?" Chantinelle turns back to Sulkar, "I threated his life? Oh boy he isn't even here!" Jessalyn's eyes narrow. "There are witnesses." SulKar says, "yes ma'am.. first off. how do you know that.. second off. I have witnesses.. I will not argue with you ma'am.. you can come quietly.. or otherwise.." SulKar shrugs SulKar says, "makes no difference to me.." Chantinelle laughs, "Yeah, a pregnant rebel and a criminal." SulKar says, "and myself.. which of those do I fall into?" SulKar chuckles Jessalyn reaches to grip her arm. "Excuse me?" Vance says, "A criminal?" Vance looks about for a criminal. SulKar says, "either way.. i fyou are innocent.. you have nothing to fear.. you will just get to prolong your wonderful visit." Chantinelle gets serious at once, "You are arresting me?" turns to Xenia, "Oh stars, tell the Captain I will some in a secoond." Chantinelle looks angry at Sulkar, "A Person who calls me a bitch, which I have recorded, isn't a wittness!" Xenia salutes, "I will." Xenia heads south on Ventnor Avenue. Xenia has left. Jessalyn chuckles mildly. "I was being charitable." (OOC) SulKar says, "um, excuse me... did you hear that personally?" Vance nahs, "I believe she means me." Jessalyn says, "You are far worse than a bitch." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Yes I DO speak Wookiee!!!!" Vance says, "or maybe not." (OOC) SulKar says, "ah ok my mistake.." (OOC) SulKar says, "didn't think you did. but ok.. no prob" SulKar looks slightly surprised.. (OOC) Chantinelle says, "No no, your players mistake, if I tell this your boss, you are dead ;)" (OOC) Jessalyn says, "what??" SulKar says, "be that as it may ma'am, you still made the comment.. regardless.." SulKar says, "like I said, I don't argue.. terrible waste of time really.." SulKar says, "so if you would like.. I need to take you into custody for questioning..." Vance shrugs, "perhaps since her ship is finally here, rather suddenly and just in time, we should let her go off planet...." Jessalyn scoffs. "Great.... " Chantinelle turns angry at Jessa "I heard this and you could be right perhaps!" Vance mms, "but then again, she acts nothing like an ambassador..so she could be something other, and have really meant her comment. You say, "First I want to know what I did!" SulKar says, "fair enough" (OOC) Chantinelle lags :(( Xenia enters from South Ventnor Avenue. Xenia has arrived. SulKar says, "you have the right to know why..." SulKar says, "I was sitting over yonder.. when you got a beep on your compad.. and you said...."Tog is a dead wookiee"" SulKar says, "do you deny saying this?" Xenia is watching the scene intently. SulKar looks at xenia SulKar says, "just a minute ma'am we are sorting a few things out.." Chantinelle sighs and smiles, "It's was just a curse as you could hear. And if you think you could arrest me now, you are wrong. " and points to her diplo-pass. SulKar says, "listen.. I am willing to discus this with you... I am fairly capable of keeping my temper in check.. not always.. which is how the "bitch" incident occured, and I apologize for that.. but no matter who said it, if someone threated YOUR leader," SulKar says, "you would ask a few questions correct?" You say, "I threated nobody!" Chantinelle removes again Jessa's arm from herself and glances sadly at her "And yes I did it for the Empire and I do NOT regret it!" SulKar says, "again... I"ll slower so you can understand. I am trying to discuss this with you.." Jessalyn says, "Did what for the Empire?" SulKar says, "if you do not want to cooperate in a simple little question and answer session, then I will have no choice to detain you.. diplomat or not.." You say, "And if you clown think you were able to discuss anything with me, please come today evening and join the dinner table of President Togryyshyk and me. I think he and I will then think about it." Chantinelle gets angry at Sul again, "How dare you to arrest a diplomate? The rebel there *points to Jessa* "often offended me as you did, and nobody told her to go into jail!" SulKar says, "fine, I tried, really I did.. I tried my heart out to make this simple, quick and easy.. however, you insist on continual verbal abuse and generally being nasty" SulKar says, "offended is one thing.. if Jessa threatened my pres. she'd be in jail right now.." Jessalyn sighs. "I didn't threaten the President, Chantinelle." SulKar says, "I am done arguing.." SulKar says, "please, come with me.. if youare going to have dinner with the Pres.. then he can easily come pick you up from the jail.." (OOC) Chantinelle laaags, "Please wait for me!" :) (OOC) SulKar says, "ok sorry.. :)" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Oh wait a sec! I hope you know I am a Diplomate and under diplomatical immunity on a neutral planet! If you proceed now, this could produce some big IC events." SulKar politely tries to accompany Chantinelle to jail.. (OOC) SulKar says, "well I don't know what else to do.. I tried to reason with your char.. so we could get out of this, but she wasn't buying!!!" (OOC) SulKar says, "you have any suggestion chan.. I tried to get us out of this.. but chanti wasn't working with me.. *shrug*" (OOC) Vance says, "all he asked was to detain you and ask some questions." (OOC) Vance says, "and then suddenly, your ship shows up." (OOC) Vance says, "yet you also are supposed to have dinner tonight with the President?" (OOC) SulKar says, "exactly doesn't make since..." (OOC) SulKar says, "chanti.. like I said.. I tried to reason with your char about this.. but she wasn't buying.." (OOC) Xenia says, "You can't detain a diplomate, but what you can do is make her persona non grata and expel her" (OOC) SulKar says, "hmm... well I CAN detain her, I just might get fired for doing so.....explain more about expelling xenia" (OOC) Vance says, "xenia, how the heck did you get here, on cue?" (OOC) Chantinelle gulps, "Better not! And Sulkar isn't high enough to do it!" (OOC) Vance says, "its at least an hour hyperspace travel." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "I brought her oocly, to say my shuttle is here." (OOC) Vance says, "you can't do that." (OOC) Xenia blushes and is here kind of OOC, sorry (OOC) Vance says, "not after you said you weren't high enough ranking." (OOC) Vance says, "and a woman, which means jack in the empire" (OOC) Xenia didn't mean to meddle with the situation (OOC) SulKar says, "well I need some help here. at the moment my char is sic of trying to reason... but he sure doesn't want to release a possible killer. goes against his marine training" (OOC) SulKar says, "so what do I do now folks? I ain't lettin chantinelle go without a heck of a reason" (OOC) Vance says, "maybe you can volunteerly leave and not come back? :)" (OOC) SulKar says, "no no xenia you here now.. we can deal with it" (OOC) SulKar says, "unless you meant me.." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Killer??? Cuz I only curse! You never cursed? You know what the commlink told me before? It was by Tog himsefl!" (OOC) Xenia says, "If you take Chantinelle to jail the Empire has every reason to be big time pissed at Caspar, expelling her is only a little better but still won't improve the situation one bit" (OOC) SulKar says, "and MY char knows that? you haven't even attempted to explain!! I've given you every chance to explain. but you keep yelling" (OOC) Vance says, "and xenia, you have no reason to even be here. :)" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "She comes with my shuttle." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "No wookiee is telling chanti what she can do! Lets go..... to the Jail!" (OOC) Vance says, "and I think that maybe you should pick better ambassadors that don't snarl out threats. :)" (OOC) Xenia says, "Any higher ranking officials around?" (OOC) Vance says, "your shuttle does not exist." (OOC) Vance says, "yeah, a marine colonel." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "I know oocly, but we are RPing, a little bit fantasy please!" (OOC) Vance says, "no." (OOC) SulKar says, "all right stop.. here's the situation" (OOC) Vance says, "you stated ICly that it can't have happened Chanti." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "What happened?" (OOC) Vance says, "you stated you don't desreve a shuttle, since you are only a woman in the Empre." (OOC) SulKar says, "what do I do. I don't want to start a war. but chanti keeps bucking my every chance to try to smooth the situation out." (OOC) Vance says, "so you can't just conjour up one." (OOC) SulKar says, "exactly" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "You believe really Chanti? The highest ranked woman of the Empire ever? you are naive, Vance!" (OOC) Vance says, "no, I am just going by what your twinkish RP is saying Chanti." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "I could call a ISD here at once and bomb this damned place into stone age, but why should I tell this everybody I meet on the street!" (OOC) Vance says, "Ok, Chanti..why not just conjour up your shuttle and leave gracefully?" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "No! :)" (OOC) SulKar says, "no kidding," (OOC) Chantinelle says, "I have to meet Tog before until I can leave CDU space, sorry." (OOC) Vance says, "I don't think Tog wants to meet you." Chantinelle sighs deeply, "Okay, well if you insist to arrest me for a curse." Jessalyn says, "Chantinelle, why don't you just answer his questions?" Chantinelle gives a small folder to Xenia and smirks, "Please report to HQ, that I am under arrest, wow I think Cal will run up the walls." (OOC) Vance says, "oh come on now." (OOC) Chantinelle grins, "Either he wants or not, I HAVE to meet him!" (OOC) Vance says, "No one arrested you, you smuck." Xenia takes the folder abnd sighs deeply, nodding slowly. (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Yes, what shall I do then?" (OOC) Vance says, "xenia, don't leave...Chanti just jumped the gun." (OOC) Xenia says, "It is understandable that Chanti isn'tgoing to tolerate questioning by just anybody on the streets," (OOC) Vance says, "SulKar is not anyone, he's a Marine Colonel." (OOC) Xenia says, "You have got to find a way to settle this quietly!" (OOC) SulKar says, "ok wait chanti. quit pushing my hand,, geeze" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "For an imp, he is an alien, i.e. scum, nothing, waste of ammo...." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Yeah, what shall I do to clear it :)" SulKar says, "alright ma'am, here's what I am going to do.. I am going to escort you to your ship.. you are to leave the area.. I will report this entire incident to my superiors.. and you may not have the oppurtunity to come back to Caspar" Jessalyn frowns deeply and looks at SulKar and then at Chantinelle. Chantinelle sighs, "No chance! Not until I spoke with the President myself." (OOC) Vance says, "yer a female, yer scum in the eyes of most imperails. :?" (OOC) Vance says, "and hey, didn't youg et a Messge from the President to leave?" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "No I did another message by him, that I did the curse." SulKar says, "ma'am. I am going to escort you to your ship.. I am going to make sure you get on yoru ship.. you are going to leave the immediate area.. if you need to talk to Tog. that can be arrange at a later time" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "did=got" (OOC) SulKar says, "this way maybe we can clear this up without war" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Sorry :(" Chantinelle shakes her head, "No I am no leaving to the CDU goverment and waiting ther until your president is ready to talk with me!" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "no leaving=now leaving" (OOC) Xenia says, "Where is Tog?" SulKar says, "ma'am, I can't arrest you.. becaus eyou are a diplomat, but I am fairly sure I can escort you to your ship and keep you there.." (OOC) Chantinelle says, "He left after the last message :)" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "disconnected." (OOC) Vance says, "and not coming back, according to the OOC talk." (OOC) Xenia says, "I:means IC'ly of course" (OOC) Vance says, "he had to leave OOCly." (OOC) Xenia says, "Why is it so dangerous letting her go?" Chantinelle sighs deeply, "I am not sure, whether we speak the same language, but let me say: there is no need for any escort. 1. I know the way and 2. I am now going to the CDU building." (OOC) SulKar says, "no no, not dangerous at all. all I want to do is put her on the ship, if Tog want to talk to her.. he can come to her" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "No presidents comes to a ambassador,I can come to him of course." (OOC) Chantinelle yiiikes, "So many typos in one line, I can't concentrate." .( (OOC) Vance says, "Chanti, you've already been asked to leave, correct? perhaps you should." (OOC) Chantinelle laughs, "I was asked icly very often, but what can CDU do if I stay." (OOC) SulKar says, "this is ridiculous.. I am trying to handle this without starting a war.." (OOC) SulKar says, "and you arent' cooperating.." (OOC) SulKar says, "I have found a simple way to avoid a war" (OOC) SulKar says, "your choice whether to take it or not, sick of screwing with it" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Hey Sulkar you started it! Perhaps its my job here really to start a war! ;)" SulKar says, "ma'am, you have ONE choice, to get aboard your ship.. that's it.. no other choice, I am done playing with you" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Shoot :)" Vance has connected. Chantinelle hmmmms, "Which choice?" (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Oops, sorry misread. :(" SulKar says, "to get aboard your ship.. if Tog wants to talk to you, he can search you out thre.." You say, "And when I won't go?" Jessalyn shifts nervously. SulKar says, "I am a large pissed off wookiee ma'am.. whatever it takes. you can get on your ship conscious or not..." Chantinelle frowns, "Do you want to touch me or even hurt me?" SulKar says, "no ma'am I don't want to even look at you any more, I want you off this land.. now" Chantinelle hmmms and thinks for a moment looking at everybody's face. SulKar says, "ma'am you can even keep your shuttle here on the planet with you on it, I just want you on your ship.. not only for the protection of my pres. but yours as well" Jessalyn lifts an eyebrow and appraises Chantinelle, a small smile on her face. Chantinelle shrugs and waves to Xenia, "Could I get the folder please back?" Xenia says, "Certainly," Vance glowers at the Imperial. Xenia hands the folder back to Chantinelle (OOC) Chantinelle says, "Err btw was somebody logging? My boss needs a report! ;)" (OOC) Vance says, "I thinkyour boss will received on from our President." Chantinelle puts is carefully in a pocket, "We are off here, Xenia," *turns back to the crowd around her "but you can be sure that Imperial High Command will be informed. Again the CDU shows like on GDI that it isn't neutral." Jessalyn cannot help but grin at that last statement, and pats her belly. (OOC) Chantinelle says, "I have of course to report myself too. We are the Empire (=bureauracy!)" SulKar says, "whatever ma'am, I don't really care at this point.. I just am sick of you.. I am not having a problem with this other young female imperial over here.. but whatever, please. lead the way to your shuttle" Chantinelle frowns, "Sick of me? Who was mad the last time? I or the pregnant cheicken over there!" Xenia raises an eyebrow, but gives a slight nod. SulKar says, "ma'am, please lead the way.." SulKar says, "we are through here.." SulKar says, "and jess. keep your mouth shut.." SulKar says, "just lead the way. now.." Jessalyn grins widely and says nothing. (OOC) Chantinelle blushes, "Errrrrrr I don't know the way!" ;) SulKar looks at xenia.. SulKar says, "ma'am, please escort your fellow imperial to your shuttle..." Chantinelle looks at Xenia, "No Xenia, you may stay, if you want! This is still a free place!" Xenia says, "Are you going to be alright, Chantinelle?" (OOC) Vance says, "s, e, el, level 1, e" Avalyshaar comes from Blake Street. Avalyshaar has arrived. (OOC) Xenia always forgets where she parks her vehicvles ;> (OOC) Vance says, "follow me" Vance heads south on Ventnor Avenue. Vance has left. (OOC) SulKar says, "yes she may stay.. I just thought you'd rather follow a fellow imperial" Chantinelle sighs, "I am okay Xenia, nothing happened, but please be carefully!" Chantinelle smiles slightly at Avy, "Greetings doctor!" You head south on Ventnor Avenue. South Ventnor Avenue -- Plaxton City, Caspar Contents: Vance Obvious exits: ast - Space Tower Spaceport est - SubPro Shipyards outh - Military Base orth - Fountain Square SulKar comes from the square. SulKar has arrived. Vance walks into the Space Tower. Vance has left. SulKar says, "east ma'am" You walk into the Space Tower. Lobby - Space Tower Spaceport -- Plaxton City, Caspar Contents: Vance MailBox Obvious exits: - Elevator est - Ventnor Avenue SulKar walks in from Ventnor Avenue. SulKar has arrived. SulKar presses the elevator call button. The Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar arrives and the doors open. Vance enters the Elevator. Vance has left. You enter the Elevator. Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar Contents: Vance Control Panel Obvious exits: Out SulKar comes into the elevator. SulKar has arrived. The Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar is currently at that level. Type 'OUT' to exit. SulKar chooses level '2' from the Control Panel. The Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar doors close. The Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar begins to pick up speed. The doors swiftly open. The Elevator -- Plaxton City, Caspar has stopped at Landing Deck - Space Tower Spaceport -- Plaxton City, Caspar. Vance steps out of the elevator. Vance has left. You step out of the elevator. Landing Deck - Space Tower Spaceport -- Plaxton City, Caspar Contents: Vance Obvious exits: est - Merchant Operations ast - Civilian Landing Pad - Elevator SulKar steps out of the elevator. SulKar has arrived. You walk into the civilian landing area. Civilian Landing Deck - Space Tower Spaceport -- Plaxton City, Caspar Contents: STARFIGHTER: Skipray BlastBoat - Shadow Walker STARFIGHTER: CECO YT-1300 -- Magic and Madness STARFIGHTER: Lambda Class Shuttle -- Night's Errand STARFIGHTER: Lambda Class Shuttle -- Lantek Obvious exits: est - Main Deck SulKar walks into the civilian landing area. SulKar has arrived. SulKar says, "ma'am" SulKar says, "now,, you are to stay on your shuttle... unless Tog or someone of course invited you off.." Chantinelle nods and enters her shuttle in really great mood. The door is closed in a loud *bang* SulKar walks out of the civilian landing area. SulKar has left.