12.05.1998 Level 4 -Blue Nebula Cantina- The Blue Nebula Cantina is a small, smoky bar. Catering mainly to the traders and spacers who visit the station, the Blue Nebula is known for a few of its unique beverages. Even the occasional resident will wander in looking for a drink and perhaps a little conversation. OOC Note: Type BAR HELP for bar commands. Type PLACE HELP for place commands. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Nadezhda => Vanessa => Crystal -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- oreward leads to Level 4 -Northern Concourse-. Chantinelle's desc: A young female human. She wears a dark blue Imperial uniform in the rank of a Vice-Director, which is tight cutted and reveals the outline of her body. She has got short, black hair barely framing her smooth, oval face. The woman is truly gifted with incredible good looks. She has a small nice nose and full red lips. It's the face of the famous Holovid star Chantinelle Thistleborn. There is a small black leather belt around her tight hip. Clipped to her belt is a Diplomatic Pass, proving her to have full diplomatic credentials across the galaxy. A holster of a standard imperial blaster is attachted at the left side of her belt, too. A small white patch at her left breast introduces the woman as member of the famous BofO. The patch is embroidered with gold and has got in its center a coiled black snake. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => 409 Standard Galactic Credits => Imperial Identification Card <<- V150950 ->> Nadezhda's desc: A crest of raven hair flutters ringlets around her face, casting the occasional silvered shadow against her alabaster skin. The back is kept long, a soft array of curls, which sweep down and over her figure, hanging far past her waist, in a mass of midnight waves. The front cascades over her shoulders, pushed to one side, leaving a few strands to frame her face. Her eyes, blue flecked with green, are surprisingly soft, knowledge adding to the bright sheen and the embers of interest resting there. Flashing with sapphire lights, they dominate her face, with long dark eyelashes, and perfectly sculptured eyebrows. She has a small, elliptical face, with lips of ruby red, to mark contrast to the translucence of her complexion. Her body is sinuous, S-curves and perfect perspective, intensified by whatever clothing she wears. She moves with an athletic grace, a smooth motion to her actions, carrying herself with an air of dignity, and style. Currently, she's dressed in a full-length bodysuit. Sleeveless, the fabric along the top, barely, manages to come up and over her form, leaving her neckline, and the soft swell of her ample bustline, exposed. Black along the top, the suit has a crimson shade to the center, within its leotard shape. A loose black belt, hangs from her miniature waist, wrapped around twice, the leather band gently rests against her hips. Her legs are clad in a long pair of black pants, ending in the tips of her knee-high boots. The fabric hangs loosely over her legs, showing each curve to perfection. The boots travel up her legs, having impossible heels, they end just above her knees. A pair of long, crimson gloves grace her arms, sliding up to nearly her shoulders, as her hair dances around and over her figure. The outfit is completed by a pitch black cloak, that connects to her neck, spilling down her back to swish past her waist. Leia walks in from the main concourse. Leia has arrived. Leia's desc: Brown. The color, in its richest state, is found first and most noticeably in her large eyes and lustrous hair, juxtaposed as it is with the flawless cream of her complexion. Her features, too, lure the attention of observers thanks to their subtle beauty and refined demeanor: she is every inch a princess. And yet...and yet...now and again, that noble bearing may slip in favor of the tomboy who coexists with the princess inside so diminutive a frame; the change is apparent in the quirk of her expressive lips or the mischievous twinkle in her gaze. Still, gentlewoman or gamine, she wields her authority and blaster with equal grace, speaks with eloquent elegance, even certain multilingual curses, and remains a tiny armada in female form. She has chosen, for today, a lightweight, narrowly cut dress in subdued red, a long knitted beige greatcoat atop the dress. Her luxurious brown hair is in a pair of braids that are looped up, the ends tucked somewhere out of sight underneath. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Lightsaber Chantinelle sighs as finally the last guest except the strange woman inthe shadow leaves, she smirks and turns around facing the woman as she tries to peek into the shadow. Chantinelle has her back to the front door, looking into the background to get a better glance at the woman in the shadows. From the entrance of the cantina arrives a petite lady in subdued red, her presence considerably less subtle than the color she wears. Easing past a young man in dark blue, she approaches the bar and awaits the bartender's time. Seated in the confines of a dark booth, the woman that Chantinelle speaks of, simply remains silent and as unobtrusive as she can. Nadezhda's fingers lightly follow the trail of condensation that has formed on her glass down, her sapphire orbs remaining there, mouth formed into a tight-lipped line. A midnight curl breaks free, skipping over her shoulder as it falls into the womans contemplative face. As her back straightens, head lifting, her gaze darts out to the cantina again, one eyebrow quirking upwards as she catches the glance from Chantinelle. A slight bob of acknowledgement is given, a polite smile spreading over her rather somber face, to brighten her features considerably. Chantinelle returns a soft smile to the woman, as she finally got any response by her, she raises her drink and points to it, as she tries to invite her to one. As the bartender comes nearer to the lustrous-maned princess, Leia requests firmly, "Tea and a bruallki sandwich, please," before twisting from the waist up to determine the identity of the few denizens lingering in the booths and at the tables. Her posture freezes once the distinct lines of an Imperial uniform are glimpsed, and her expression understandably tightens. Chantinelle smiles softly and turns around to look for any other persons in the bar being in such happy mood, spotting the new arrived Lady , she smiles and calls to the bartender, "Well for what the money if I dont use it, let everybody just order what they wants.. the bill goes to the embassy again." Pondering how wise it would be to actually speak with someone that creates such a stir of emotions from the patrons of the cantina, though Nadezhda could care less if she's Imperial or New Republic, or a multi-wanted murderer. Her mouth quirks to one side, upper teeth chewing on her bottom lip. With a shrug of her shoulders and a quiet thought of . o O(What the heck.) Nadya rises from her booth, her half-full glass lifted upwards, as she moves towards Chantinelle's booth. The quiet *clink* of her boots mark her progress, as the woman heads slowly towards the table, darting around a couple drunk patrons, before stopping just before Chanti. Nadezhda comes out of the crowd. Hardly able to miss the passage of the lissome woman with such distinctive black curls, Leia studies both Chantinelle and her newly arrived companion with equal coolness, the displeasure and distrust scribed deftly in the furrow of her brows and in the darkness of her already deeply hued irises. The barkeep, sensing she has lost the princess's attention, slips away to fill the order and tend to the next customer. Chantinelle smiles at the Woman who just ordered the sandwich, "Well M'Lady , feel free to be invited by me.. Drink and food goes to mine bill today." she smile spolite to her before she turns back again and watches at the woman leavse the shadow. "My credits will take care of things very well, Miss Thistleborn," Leia answers drolly, keeping her tone at a reasonable level. Chantinelle oohs and blushes, turning her head back again as she hears her name called, "Thats Chanti, like everybody calls me, please! But I must insist that you are invited like every other patron today her too... It wont harm the "mighty Empire" to pay the drinks of a few Casparians too. Pausing to study first Chantinelle, before Nadezhda's gaze darts towards Leia, her mouth remains in a mild smile, though the corners tug more towards a smirk. A slight incline of her head is offered to Leia, before Nadya's attention returns to Chantinelle. "Fair evening, Madam." Her voice is kept neutral, with a quiet, nearly lilting tone. "Pardon my intrusion for inquiring, but is it truly prudent to place such a high tab?" The smile tugs even more, as Nadya offers a wide smile to Chantinelle. "Albet it is too generous of you." Chantinelle points to a free chair on her table to the woman right standing before her, "Greetings too, M'Lady." she smiles softly, "I saw you sitting alone in the dark as I was too after all my "fans" leaved the bar before. " she pauses for a second to gather her most chaotic mind "Err. Well dont mind the money..." she grins "As long its not my own private own, I do not myself!" Leia's chin lifts in like greeting to Nadezhda, and, while she remains well-esconced at the bar, she leaves both her regard and gaze upon the other females. Darkness of mood matches the shading of her coloring. Chantinelle points to a free chair on her table to the woman right standing before her, "Greetings too, M'Lady." she smiles softly, "I saw you sitting alone in the dark as I was too after all my "fans" leaved the bar before. " she pauses for a second to gather her most chaotic mind "Err. Well dont mind the money..." she grins "As long its not my own private own, I do not myself!" Leia's chin lifts in like greeting to Nadezhda, and, while she remains well-esconced at the bar, she leaves both her regard and gaze upon the other females. Darkness of mood matches the shading of her coloring. Chantinelle turns around on her chair again to wave to the woman at the bar, "You are invited too, M'Lady.. no need to stay so alone at the bar! Especially in your mood! You need to be cheerd up now and I can tell you I am in great mood myself!" she smiles and takes a more carefully look at the Woman at the bar, trying to find out what her problem is. Her expression shifts to mild surprise at that statement, as Nadezhda takes in a deep breath, letting it out ever so slowly. One eyebrow gently arches upwards, a soft chuckle escaping her mouth. "Perhaps, though are you not worried that superiors would ... " Oh how to put this, "Dislike such kind generiousity?" Her voice remains ever so neutral, not harsh, or angry, nor sweet and kind, simply curious. "My apologies for my .. seeming ignorance, but I have never known ... " Again, Nadezhda searches for the correct wording, her mouth paused slightly open, before finishings with a soft. "People to be so .. kind and truly open. Indeed, it would appear to be a .. rare treat, madam." Chantinelle oohs and blushes at once, hearing this, as normally she hears only insults and threats by other persons. She sighs softly and forces a smile on her face, speaking softly, "Dont worry about me... There aren't many above my postion." she says seriously in her low calm voice. Leia, accepting the sandwich and tea, pays for the food before approaching Chantinelle's table with both plate and glass in hand. Tenative as her approach may be, Leia is nothing of the kind where verbage is concerned. "Generosity is a rarity in the galaxy, too much so, I would say," she muses, halting a step away from the booth Chantinelle occupies. "So rare, in fact, that it can inspire doubt. You have to feel someone wants something if they offer something for free, hmm?" About to respond to Chantinelle, Nadezhda's eyes scan Leia, listening to her words, and finding herself agreeing with them. "I must agree with the lady." Comes her natural response, the chair pulled out as Nadya sits gingerly down at Chantinelle's table. "Too many would use or abuse seeming generosity to further their own desires. Rare is it to find one that cares not for themselves, but for others pleasures and good humors." One sapphire orb winks in Chantinelle's direction, as Nadya's mouth tugs into a gentle smile, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Especially one tied with a ... " . o O(Err what would you call them, group? Faction? Hrm.) She finally chooses .. " A group of individuals that seeming .. at least from my point of view, would wish to further their own needs, rather than care about the humor and good pleasures of others." Chantinelle oohs and her jaw drops, she blinks her eyes and looks at your both faces, not believing you, "Now wait a sec!" she calls out, "I dont know you even! And all what I did was offering you a free drink? I didn't bought a ship for you or anything else, nor did I wanted something by you, except some company...." she smirks and shakes her head how her motivations could be misunderstood anyhow. Leia gestures with her glass toward the well-kempt uniform Chantinelle sports. "That's a statement of your policy and personality to an extent, Chantinelle," says the Princess with calm certainty. Chantinelle sighs and shrugs, feeling somehow frustrated, she smirks and looks down at the plate of the table, her fingers around her own glass, she softly says, without any anger in her voice, "I don't know.... even if I am an "imp" as everybody calls us.. I can be a human being with some feelings and emotions." "Granted," Leia murmurs, drawing closer by one stride, "but much of the galaxy goes on appearances first...sometimes on appearances alone. I'm surprised to find an Imperial ambassador here considering recent tensions." The glass Nadezhda carries is lowered to the table, as she remains thoughtful for a moment, pondering how to explain herself better. With a quiet, and pensive look, she finally lifts her eyes, centering them onto Chantinelle. "I must say, should I have offended such a truly genuine person, than I am sorry." The slope of her mouth offers a soft smile. "For such gunuine and rare people should be treasured and treated well, not bad." Taking in a deep breath, her eyes lift to gaze at Leia curiousily a moment, thoughts wondering who the woman may be, before she turns her gaze back to Chantinelle. "I merely am .. unbelieving that there still exists .. especially within any of these.." Her nose wrinkles upwards, clearing her throat, before she gets into trouble should others be around from different ones.. "Err.. surroundings." Chantinelle smirks and she looks up hearing the strange woman, "Well if you think so.. I am honored. And dont think even about it. No harm was taken before.. I just didn't understand your both behavior." she says softly and against points Leia to an empty place at the booth, "Please sit down too, M'LAdy." Leia places both plate and glass on the table and eases her diminutive frame into a place across from Chantinelle, murmuring her gratitude before beginning to sample her sandwich. If she feels discomfort or distaste at the proximity of a ranking Imperial, nothing shows in the gracious fluidity of her movements or in her placid demeanor. Leaning back against the chair, Nadezhda returns to her habit of following the cool drops of liquid down the cylinder. Her mouth purses into a thoughtful line, before lifting her head again, eyes scanning the two at the table. With a slight intake of breath, which is let out ever so slowly, she states in a soft tone. "Then it was a simple misunderstanding at first.. In truth, miscommunication is something that can cause any to get aggrivated." Enjoying the feel of the soft laugh that escapes her lips, shoulders lightly shaking to send the halo of midnight around her form. "Don't you agree?" Mirth resides in her eyes, which remain on the two, the gems darting from one, to the other. Chantinelle smiles now happily as you both sit at her table, "Yes, indeed... the most wars only happened cuz misunderstandings.. its a sad but true fact. Well, but where are my manners: I am Chantinelle Thistleborn, but as I told the Lady here before, I am only called Chanti.. by imps like by rebels, " she tries to joke. "Not rebels anymore," asserts Leia delicately. "And I'm Leia Organa Solo. I must say," she continues to the stranger, "you have some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen." Pausing a moment, wondering if Leia speaks to her, Nadezhda's eyes widen considerably, both eyebrows quirking upwards, as she states in a soft tone. "If you speak of me, Mrs. Solo, I should think if you looked in the mirror you'd disagree." Again, soft laughter brims in her tone, with a casual shrug, she dismisses it with a sweep of her hand, a light and slow gesture. "Many thanks though.." Her hand darts up, pushing the strands away from her face. "It comes in handy to have people watch it at times, rather than .. other attributes." The name, oh yes, Nadezhda can't forget the name bit.. Taking in a deep breath, she intones softly. "I'm Nadezhda Rurik, but most just call me .. Nadya." Malin slips into the Cantina, looking around as he does so. Malin just looked at me. Malin nods slightly to the other Patrons as he moves towards the bar. Chantinelle gulps as she follows the discussion on her table, "You .. you ... you are the princess?" she blushes and stammers nervously, "Oh my! I didn't know!" she smirks and respectfully bows her head,"I didn't know, your Highness." before she turns to Nadya for a moment and smiling at her, "It's a pleasure." Malin sits down at the bar. Leia, taken aback by the blustering statement from an Imperial (who, by all rights, should have seen her bounty poster a few times), blinks rapidly as her hand nearly drops the bruallki sandwich. "I thought you knew, considering. Well. Considering." Malin raises an eyebrow as he hears 'Princess' mentioned. He turns to regard who the Imperial was addressing. With her attention returned to her drink, Nadezhda's in the process of lifting it to her mouth, about to take a slight sip, only to have Chantinelle address Leia as 'your highness'. The glass pauses in mid-air, a curious express darting over her features. Her mouth parts about to ask, Princess of what, before she wisely chooses not to. With a shrug, Nadezhda simply returns to taking a sip, casting Leia a quizzical glance out of the corner of her eye. . o O(Your highness? Princess Leia Organa Solo, yeah right, whoever that is, the Imp seems to know.. Ah well. Face it Nad, you have little clue about who you're at the table with, and frankly could care less.) With that meager thought as Nadya takes a small sip of her drink, she sets it back down, mouth twisting into a smirk. "Ah, should I curtsey or is it alright to simply bow the head?" She inquires, wondering that herself. Chantinelle hmms and smiles at Leia, "Knowing what, Your Highness? Oh.. of course I know your face .. but I was never considering that you would come here without any guards on a neutral place? Just imagine now I draw my blaster and simply shoot you." she grins and pats her holster at her side. Malin raises an eyebrow at Chantinelle's statement. He looks from Leia to Chantinelle. Leia's rejoinder is mild. "If your dedication to the Empire extends to suicide, go ahead and try. If you happened to succeed, you'd be captured or dead before you left this level of the station. I don't have much to worry about. Nadezhda -- Nadya -- I'm more appropriately Councilor Organa Solo now, so a hello suffices." Chantinelle laughs out softly and grins wicked, "No fear, your Highness.. I like my life! And.." she lowers her voice only hearable at the table, "I can tell it to you, my holster is even empty." she laughs again and smiles as she watchs for your both reaction. Leia, as she lifts her glass to sip her tea, counters with a smile that approaches the wryness of a smirk, "Mine isn't." Her cheeks pale, a soft *gulp* being swallowed at the conversation Nadezhda's suddenly being sucked into. A nervous laugh escapes her lips, wondering if she could just get up and go.. now? Leave? Her legs find themselves planted firmly on the ground though.. even as Chantinelle's words finally register, and the nervous chuckle once again spills forth from her lips, Nadezhda states softly. "Remind me to breath." Ooh boy.. her hands wrap around the glass in front of her tighter, eyes still wide and expressive. "Well.. I'd like to say its a pleasure to finally meet you, Councilor Organa Solo, but I have to be honest and state, I have no clue who you are, or what you are for, or why Miss Chanti there would have any reason to err.. *ahem*, want to end your life.. But ... " . o O(Shut up Nadya, quiet your babbling..) Chantinelle shrugs and baaahs at Leia, "I am not afraid of dieing.. but then I would really hate to do.." she grins and turns to Nady to explain her the whole situation. "Well Miss. I am not sure where you are from but to explain it in short words, Her Highness the Princess Organa (*she doesn't says Organa-Solo*) is a member of the so called Rebellion... a high member and I am just a small but loyal member of the Empire, which the Rebllion want to destroy.. So you could say we are just foes for eternity." Chantinelle nods to Leia in respect, to honor her rank and abilities although they both could just jump to eachothers throats, "Or could you explain it in other owrds?" Leia appears disinclined to refute anything Chantinelle has said and conveniently arranges her mouth to be full of bruallki at that instance, disallowing a response. At first, Nadezhda's just a tad .. well .. surprised would be a good word for it. Both eyebrows gently arched, wide, sapphire orbs scanning both woman at the table with shock. After the initial discomfort, howevery, Nadezhda takes in a deep breath, letting it out ever so slowly. "I." She pauses taking in another breath. "See." She continues with, after the short pause. "Well, I .. " Her lips part, before a soft sigh escapes. "I wonder why I leave the safety of a quiet booth." Instead of the sarcasm that she feels, she shakes her head, a rueful express replacing it. Once the mouthful of bruallki is masticated and swallowed, washed down with a drink of tea, the princess lifts her napkin to dab a pair of crumbs from her full lips. "Don't let Chantinelle's attitude dissuade you from remaining with us," she comments. "We're safe enough. I don't think this is the place for her to try to injure or kill me. It's also not her style." Chantinelle oohs and smiles feeling Nadya's discomfort, "No, its okay, dont worry about it... You could call this place safe somehow.. We both, well _I_ as I know honor the CDU and wont do anything studid here, althought when I think about it.." she grins and turn sher head at Leia, watching how she will react..."No no, Nadya, we are both dilpomats and used to such game.. there is no danger for you life." Crystal works with grace as she makes a water and serves it to Malin. Chantinelle grins and uses the chance to let her glance move thru the room, soon turning her attention back to the table, softly murmuring, "I never thought I would spend you Your Highness a drink! Well or at least I tried it only!" Turning her attention from Chanti, over to Leia, Nadezhda inquires suddenly. "My apologies for not knowing who you are, Councilor, but in truth, I have little cares for .. " A soft heh, and Nadya shrugs slightly, "Well, for the goings on of the galaxy." She offers an apologetic smile, before returning her gaze back to Chanti. Sitting back in her chair, she watches Chanti a moment, mouth twisting into a smirk. . o O(Uhm, yeah, and I thought by coming over here, I'd get a chance to speak to someone that is one of the more famous. Twisted.) "...for the goings-on and politics of the galaxy?" Leia supplies without condemnation or commendation; simple understanding is the undertone of her question. "No, I know a lot of people like that, Nadya. The galaxy is a big place, with thousands of worlds that have no interaction with the New Republic and with the Empire. Sadly, though, entanglements occur and eventually the isolationists find themselves involved. I'll hope when that time comes that the freedom of the Republic appeals to their sense of justice and individuality." Malin finishs his drink and moves to walk out of the Cantina. He nods to the three ladies on his way out. Malin walks out of the cantina. Malin has left. Chantinelle coughs softly as Leia begins to spread her propaganda, she ehhems, "Well please Your Highness, no politics today... I just meet a former Diplomat by you, I am sure of you know her and she nearly ruined my mood, which is today great, what happens not often. A tad surprised, though she shouldn't be, Nadya shifts just a tad self-consciously in the chair, her fingers wrapping around the glass in front of her a bit tighter. "You know people quite well." She finally states, chin lifting, and setting, as though purposely attempting to prove a point without saying much. "I would like to hope that those individuals that prefer to remain on the side lines, as it were .. not watching, and not participating, might be able to remain there, rather than forced to choose one side or another." She bites her lips a moment, chewing her bottom lip around, before a slight shake of her head, dark, midnight curls dancing over her shoulders, as she finishes with, as the glass is lifted upwards. "But should that day arrive, truth be told, I .. hope I am not around to be forced to choose." The glass is lifted up to her lips as she takes in a soft drink. Chantinelle hmms and siighs suddenly sadly, looking into her glass, "Glad are the once who are even able to choose..." she simply murmurs before falling quiet again. Leia murmurs apologies to Chantinelle for the brief spate of political chat, closing her comments with a final sentence to the newly met Nadya. "Choice of anything is preferable to being enslaved to tyrrany and order that isn't of one's own picking." Again to Chantinelle she queries, "Who was here that annoyed you?" Chantinelle hms and raises her head again, blinkning her eyes as she was lost in her own not happy memories.. "Pardon M'La.. er Your Highness? Oh.. the ambassador.. She introduced herself as Ariana Millikin but she wasn't annoying me at all, I was more her!" she tries to apologize her. The name draws a wry laugh from Leia, who comments, "Well, Miss Millikin is neither with the Republic anymore nor someone who remains calm easily. Just ignore her." Mulling that last over, Nadezhda refrains from commenting, simply letting out a quiet murmur which could be conveyed as an agreement. Her shoulders hunch just a bit, a slight slouch to her otherwise stiff form, as she sinks into the chair, elbows resting on the table's surface, eyes darting up to cast her gaze around the cantina. Suddenly, just a tad self-conscious, she wonders how many have heard this conversation, how many would like to slit both of their throats at this point, and how many now classify Nadezhda as one of 'them'. The thought isn't pleasing, and creates quite a stirring in her stomach, as she mumbles out a 'Great'. Chantinelle hms and shakes her head slightly to Leia, "No no, it wasn't really her fault! I think I provoked her... ordering in front of an Alderiaan a Hoth Mineral Water.." she smirks and looks down at the drink, "I just couldn't stop myself.." she shrugs and just wants to lean back in her chair as she hears the murmuring by Nadya, "Pardon? What you meant?" A steady beeping at Leia's side encourages her to remove the comlink from its place; she brings it quickly to her ear and speaks into it for a few seconds before shutting it down. "My apologies, ladies, but I was told that someone I've needed to see is finally free. Nadya, it was a pleasure meeting you. If you want to speak later, you can find me on Caspar. Miss Thistleborn, I'll wish you well in your endeavors and, if you'll excuse me for saying this, hope for your enlightenment. Good evening." Turning her head, Nadezhda smiles warmly at the Princess. "Good evening, Councilor Organa-Solo, it has been a pleasure speaking with you." With a slight incline of her head, Nadya's expression remains in the warm smile. Chantinelle stands up at once and lowers her head in a respectfully bow, "It was my pleasure at all, Your Highness..." she grins, "I must say you aren't at all as you are described in the files about you." "And you are," Leia replies to Chantinelle, eyes flickering bemusement. With a final nod to Nadya, off the princess goes. Leia walks out of the cantina. Leia has left. Chantinelle oohs and scritches her head looking after the leaving princess, "they do have files about me.... about me?" Rising to her feet, Nadezhda's smile is filled with quiet humor. "I wouldn't know, Chantinelle, but I would imagine they might." Her hand extends, "It was a pleasure to speak with you as well. I must be going.. good night." Chantinelle oohs as the next one wants to leave too, "Ohh.. well okay." she smiles softly at you, "I hope to see you again, Nadya." she smiles and nods friendly. Chantinelle shakes your hand in a greet of course. Nadezhda has disconnected. End of Log