Imperial Officer Chantinelle Thistleborn (me) meets the CSA XO Dillon: You make your way through the plants and sit down at the table behind them. PLANTS This is a small table just next to the elevator. On one side, you have the usual breathtaking view to open space; on the other side, you are somewhat separated from the rest of the room by an assortment of high-growing plants. Occupied: Observation Deck -- GDIStar The observation deck is the top of the GDIStar dome, and the view is breathtaking. The dome is completely transparent and spotless, giving the impression of actually being outside, suspended on a platform between the starry void above and the craggy peaks and silvery antennae below. Moreover, even the floor is transparent! Looking down, you see once again the bright silver GDI seal on the bottom of the dome. Every level is bustling with activity, although all those beings look really small from up here, and the sound is muted completely. Comfortable chairs, couches, benches, are arranged in small groups and singly throughout the area, catering to the anatomy of all conceivable races. The atmosphere here is relaxed: beings chat idly amongst themselves, share a joke, enjoy the view, or just relax, all without respect of race and affiliation. The elevator is always ready to whisk them silently back down into the fray ... leads to Elevator -- GDIStar. Dillon steps out of the elevator. Dillon has arrived. Dillon enters, two Espos security officers following closely at his side. Dillon walks in casually and glances about the room Chantinelle looks up from some folders and nods slightly. Chantinelle frowns seeing the Espos and mmms, "You won't need these bodyguards." Chantinelle points to her table. Chantinelle smiles friendly, "Please sit down Mr Dillon, or should I say Sir?" Dillon nods and begins walking toward you, "I am afraid that, that matter is out of my hands. What with Mr. Nye's murder and VicePrex Piper's stabbing and kidnapping my aides have insisted they accompany me everywhere." Chantinelle ooohs, "And you think these two amateurs could protect you?" Chantinelle chuckles while scanning your guards. Chantinelle smiles, "Well its your health!" Dillon smiles and nods, "I'm still alive aren't I?" Chantinelle hmmmms and frowns, "Still!" Chantinelle sighs and points again to her table, "But please sit down Sir!" Dillon smiles and takes the seat across from you, "Thank you. May I ask why you have called me here?" Roark steps out of the elevator. Roark has arrived. Roark steps out of the elevator, adjusting his jacket cuffs and looking aloof. Dillon is sitting across from Chantinelle chatting Chantinelle looks at the newcomer and scans him carefully. A young face, the impression gained from the roundness of his countenance and the small smile that seems to lurk ever in the corners of his mouth. He is tall and comfortably muscular, offsetting his youthfulness, with short dark brown hair and poison green eyes. His manner is neat, tidy, and beaurocratic. He is dressed sharply in a dark blue suit which would seem executive if not for the reduced quality of the material and cut. Despite the lack of cutting edge attire, he carries himself well. Roark just looked at me. Roark strolls easily, not making a careful inspection of the room as he murmurs to a waitor. Chantinelle sips slowly at her fresh mineral water while glancing quiet at Dillon, "You have no idea why I want to talk with you?" Dillon turns toward Roark and smiles, "Ah Mr. Roark. This is..." he turns back to Chantinelle, "I'm sorry I don't believe we have been formally introduced. I am Executive Officer Dillon of the Corporate Sector." Roark glances at the sound of his name, veering from his lazy course at the same time. "Mmm? Ah, yes, sir." He makes his way over. Chantinelle smiles, "I know you Mr Dillon, Sir! Well I am Chantinelle Thistleborn, imprial diplomatical liaison officer!" Roark looks to Dillon's table guest and inspects her with a clinical eye and a saint's smile. "I see." Dillon smiles and nods, "Very well then. It is a pleasure to meet you Chantinelle Thistleborn. This is Mr. Roark, he is one of my aides." Roark performs a slight, respectful bow to the woman. "Pleased." Chantinelle looks down at her datapad searching something, "Ah there I see!" looks up again and smiles, "Oh please just Chanti!" Roark quirks a grin. "Very well. Am I interrupting anything?" Chantinelle ooh nooos, "I just wanted to tell the Sir, that the Empire isn't very pleased about something he did a few days ago." Roark turns an inquiring, almost chiding, glance to Dillon, standing with his hands clasped before him. Dillon grins at Roark, "We were just getting started." and turns to Chantinelle, "Is it alright if Mr. Roark were to sit in? I just recently hired him and I want to put his talents to use immidiately. Who did what?" Chantinelle frowns, "You can't even remember that you broke your loyalyty to the Empire?" Roark continues to watch Dillon, his expression politely mild. Dillon raises an eyebrow, "And when exactly did this occur?" Chantinelle oohs and is astonished, "I hope you aren't denying that here on the station are known terrorists?" Roark unobtrusively pulls up a chair and sits, listening. Dillon nods nonchalantly, "I agree but how exactly does this make me a traitor?" Chantinelle gets wide eyes and scans Dillon, "Are you so dumb or just playing?" Roark coughs lightly into his hand, saying softly, "Perhaps Mr. Dillon requires a more forthright complaint of misconduct." Dillon chuckles lightly, "I've been called worse, but please enlighten me." You say, "One of the terrorists, a wookiee, was seen with you!" Roark manages to make his expression of surprise brief as he looks back to Dillon. Dillon leans back in the chair and crosses his legs, "Chewbacca? Yes I have seen him around GDI Star. I believe he hand the unenviable distinction of having spent some time in our prison." Chantinelle turns her head between Dillon and Roark, scanning their faces while she slowly sip at her water. Roark's expression is now mild, as if witnessing someone else's vehicular crash. Chantinelle looses some of her patience, "Pardon? Thats all? you don't have more to say to me?" Roark looks back to Chantinelle and clears his throat. Chantinelle reads carefully a small dataprint before her and plays with it, "So Sir? I am waiting!" Roark says quietly, "Chanti, I am curious as to what the Empire expected Mr. Dillon to do when confronted by the Wookiee on a station outside his own jurisdiction and without the weapons to make an arrest. Could you clarify this?" Dillon leans forward but notices Roark about to speak and remains quiet. Chantinelle takes another deep sip and sighs deeply. Roark smiles understandingly as he waits. Chantinelle smiles friendly, "You can have as much time as you need, Sir, to think about it." Roark raises an eyebrow. "You do not know the procedure that should have been takenm or are we to guess the Empire's wishes on the matter?" Roark says, "Conjecture without guidence is not advisable." You say, "According to my informations, you not only was in the near on this alien terrorist, but also you talked with him!" Roark glances at Dillon, briefly, saying, "Words were exchanged, I believe. But again, Mr. Dillon was confronted by the creature. Perhaps the next encounter could be made more profitable for you, Chanti?" He looks back at her. Dillon leans forward and smiles slightly, "I am not really sure where you are going with this, but could you do me a favor and look up on that little datapad of yours the reports on Chewbacca's escape from Etti IV? I think you will notice that I was shot several times and injured severly attempting to stop him while I myself was unarmed. If you do not believe me feel free to ask Alora she was there at the time. I learned my lesson the first time and I am not about to attempt to fight that Wookiee unarmed again." Roark sits back, as if defering to Dillon, and gestures silently for a drink. Chantinelle frowns slightly ,"more profitable? How do you mean this??" Roark smiles modestly, but says nothing as Dillon speaks. You say, "I am not interested in Lady Alora's view of ancient acts by your nor by your views! I have my source in this case and I am here to remind you that your loyalty belongs only one: the Galactic Empire!" Roark turns his head slowly to fix Chanti with a green gaze, saying nothing. Dillon nods and grins slightly, "Ms. Thistleborn, if you are interested as to what was said between the Wookiee and I, he has on several occasions apologized to me for the incident on Etti IV. That may be what you are refering to." Roark hides most of his response expression in his glass as he sips. Chantinelle sighs deeply, "I don't think you can persuade me to trust you!" You say, "And this could be a real problem for your health, cuz I have to report wheather you are loyal or not!" Roark frowns at that, watching the woman. He murmurs, "I would think the Empire would value the Authority enough to be a bit more willing to compromise on this issue, unless you are speaking out of emotion and not rational thought." Chantinelle calms down, "Emotions? I never act out of emotion! But you must always remember the CSA is nothing as long we don't give you any power!" Roark quirks a smile and asks gently, "Are you versed in the current state of economy, Chanti?" Roark says, "As well as the records of what the CSA has contributed to the Empire's might in ships and raw aid?" Dillon smiles at Chantinelle, "Then don't Ms. Thistleborn, I think it would be quite wise of you not to trust, especially since we just met a few moments ago. I do not trust you. Interesting that you should bring up the issue of loyalty at this particular time. You see I was attacked by on of your Stormtroopers on Palanhi not but a few days ago. I think it is I who should be questioning the friendship of the Empire. Yet, I have not made as big an issue out of that as you have of my conversation with a wookiee. Come on know, we all know that wookiee's have about as much intellect as a Bantha." Roark glances at Dillon and sits back heavily, composing his expression from one of acute annoyance to one of an executive aide. He sips his drink. Chantinelle remains silent, and types something down in her datapad. Roark also remains silent, looking patiently out the window. Chantinelle looks up at Dillon, "Perhaps it would be fair to explain you, that I am recording the whole discussion!" Oren enters the elevator. Dillon states apathetically, "Fine." Roark's jaw clenches a moment, and he relaxes, looking contemplative. You hear mad cackling from far away. Chantinelle smiles coldy, "Fine to me too!" Roark murmurs dimly, "Perhaps when tempers are settled, we can talk, Chanti?" His eyes don't leave the window. Chantinelle nods sligthly, "Of course!" Roark smiles faintly and nods, falling silent again. You say, "So what you say to your apology?" Dillon leans back in his chair, "I think it would be rather foolish of me not to accept an apology from such a large beast." You say, "No no!! You don't understand! I am not intrested what th wookiee said! I want to hear why you was speaking with him!" You say, "Btw how long do you have your shadows? *points to the two Espos*" Roark continues to look blithely out the window. Dillon looks at his escorts and turns back to Chantinelle, "They are with me at all times on GDI Star." Chantinelle ahas, "Well then I must sadly say you arren't without any weapons." Dillon says, "Idle conversation really. Besides it gives me a chance to practice my Wookie, there aren't many Wookiees on Etti IV." shakes his head, "Two Espos died during the Wookiee's escape from Etti IV."" Chantinelle is shocked, "Idle conversation? Who are you that you do idle conversation with our biggest foe??" The noise Roark makes is very nearly a snicker, but it's too briefly to tell, and he coughs lightly soon after it anyway. "Excuse me," he murmurs. Dillon sighs, "Ms. Thistleborn, you are a Diplomat, as am I. I have no interest in starting an intergalactic war simply because of my biases against a wookiee. Too many fine you Imperial soldiers would die because of it. I would rather make myself look bad than have that happen." You say, "Imperial soldier would die cuz you didn't talk with an alien? Oh stars, don't think I am a fool! No harm would be if you didn't talked with him like a old friend!" Dillon sighs, "Fine Ms. Thistleborn, it was a judgement call and I may have made an incorrect descion. I do not understand how one conversation with a wookiee could qualify me as a traitor." Chantinelle frowns again slightly and sips at her water before she responses, "Speaking with a known terrorists and foe of the empire is a crime!" Dillon sighs in frustration, "Are you here to arrest me then?" Chantinelle laughs out loud, "Me? How could I? I am not armed, I am not a soldier and I don't have any command which gives me the power to arrest you Sir!" Roark's expression is pained as he listens silently. Dillon frowns, "Excuse if I seem rash or inattentive, I am not feeling well tonight. Could we please get down back to where this conversation started and where it is going?" Chantinelle smiles friendly, "I am here only to tell you that _WE_ are your friend!! and that _WE_ should get your loyality not these terrorists!" Dillon blushes slightly and grins, "Then I am afraid I owe you an apology Ms. Thistleborn, for misconstruing you comments. I apologize. I can assure you that my loyalty is complete and unwavering toward the Empire and that the conversation with the wookiee was nothing but meaningless drivel." Chantinelle grins and pats her holster, "Well if not, let me say you are dead, slow and painful!" Roark pauses, then barks out a laugh. Dillon smiles Chantinelle throws an angry glance at Roark, "whats sofunny?" Roark grins, standing and pushing his chair back. "If that was a diplomat's speech, Chanti, then I am a tauntaun. Good day. I will be available when you are finished, Mr. Dillon." Dillon motions for a waiter and asks for mineral water Chantinelle grrrs at Roark, "Be careful what you say!" Roark says smoothly, his green eyes growing somewhat chilly, "As, I am sure, will you. As diplomatic aide to the CSA, it is within my duty to file a report of this conversation, as you have. You also have been recorded. It was most pleasant speaking with you." He turns to go. Chantinelle frowns, "you can do what you want to do! But if we think you make the wrong, you will be punished, it's so easy." Roark pauses, and turns slowly to look at her. He takes a step closer and says, softly, "You, my dear, are a diplomat. You address, here, the Executive Officer of a large corporation very loyal to the Empire. You have absolutely and without a doubt no -right- or -authoroity- to use the Empire as your shield as you deliver threats and insults upon Mr. Dillon. I ask you now who your commander is." Roark rolls a 21 for his INTIMIDATION skill. An Excellent roll! Chantinelle rolls a 13 for her WILLPOWER skill. An Average roll! Chantinelle frowns slightly and losses some colors in her face, "Well, .... ummmm ..." Roark continues to wait, green eyes on her. You say, "It's GM Caldny of course! I serve him as every good imperial." Roark nods, smiling faintly now. "Good. Don't we all." He turns again to the elevator. Chantinelle hmmmms and sighs, murmuring, "Damd scum!" Roark enters the elevator. Roark has left. Dillon takes his drink and smiles, "Aren't we all." Chantinelle ahhs!" Dillon takes a drink from his glass and smiles, "Anything else you would like to discuss with me Ms. Thistleborn?" Chantinelle shakes slowly her head, "No no, nothing more!" Chantinelle sips at her water, "I wanted just remind you toyour loyality!" Dillon smiles and nods, "Thank you. I hope you don't mind if I sit here and finish my drink." Chantinelle smiles coldly, "Of course not Sir! But please excuse me!" Dillon nods and takes a drink from his glass, "By all means." You rise and leave, walking around the plants. Chantinelle nods, "See you Sir!" You enter the elevator.